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By Olaf G. Rughase

This groundbreaking publication explores the connection among organizational id and method and proposes a realistic strategy-making method that is helping to prevent the common pitfalls in strategic switch techniques. In doing so, the writer bridges a big hole in administration and approach literature and explains find out how to virtually hyperlink content material and procedure while designing industry recommendations. a brand new conceptual framework is additionally offered, which emphasizes the significance and dynamics of organizational id and corresponding time-discrepancies for process making.

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By linking or contrasting organizational identity with each of these management concepts one can sharpen the somewhat fuzzy boundaries of organizational identity. Corporate identity Many practitioners as well as academics would refer the concept of organizational identity primarily to corporate identity. That is probably because the concept of corporate identity was created by practitioners in the mid1970s and has been widely adopted in theory and practice ever since (see Selame and Selame, 1975; Margulies, 1977).

Social identity has been described in detail by social identity theorists elsewhere. See for instance Hogg (1992); Hogg (1993); Hogg and Abrams (1988); Tajfel and Turner (1986). For historical accounts see Hogg (2000a); Hogg and Abrams (1999); Turner (1996). Brewer and Gardner (1996) outline three different levels of self-representation – from the individual up to the group level. These different levels refer to different levels of inclusiveness of conceptualization of the self, which means the shift from ‘I’ to ‘we’ as the place of self-definition.

Even though organizational and corporate identity does indeed overlap to some degree, there are still considerable differences. Hatch and Schultz (2000, pp. 17–21) distinguish these concepts in terms of perspective, recipients and communication channels. 9 In addition, corporate identity mainly targets external stakeholders and audiences. On the other hand, organizational identity is a self-reflective question of organizational members about ‘who they are’ and therefore is internally created and held.

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