Download Rethinking the Future: Rethinking Business, Principles, by Michael Porter, Philip Kotler, Kevin Kelly, Stephen R. PDF

By Michael Porter, Philip Kotler, Kevin Kelly, Stephen R. Covey, John P. Kotter, Warren Bennis, Al Ries, Jack Trout, Gary Hamel, C. K. Prahalad, Peter Senge, Eli Goldratt, Michael Hammer, Charles Handy, John Naisbitt, Lester Thurow

The world's prime company thinkers examine how organisations may be redesigned to outlive and thrive in tomorrow's hypercompetitive worldwide setting, giving readers a framework for realizing the massive photograph. crucial studying for somebody interested by enterprise luck past the subsequent area, Rethinking the longer term provides a wide ranging standpoint in an obtainable context.

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Example text

How do you become a world-class buddy thanker? Easy . . just remember ESPN. The E stands for effort and energy. World-class buddy thankers bring higher levels of effort and energy to the way they express appreciation and praise. They are more heartfelt, creative, and vibrant. They seize the WOO to give third-party compliments that allow other key people to hear of the performance, adding a touch of extraordinary personal attention to the praise that makes it more special and memorable. But the real key to mastering the E in ESPN is to thank people for their effort and energy, not just their results.

Maybe you’ll come up with something similar to the example here: It is five years from today and I’m lying on the beach in the sunshine, surrounded by palm trees. We’re staying at a beautiful villa in an exclusive resort. As I lie here, I reflect on the success we have achieved so far. We are earning a residual income of $200,000 per month and have $5 million in the bank. We have developed 1,000 leaders, and our team now totals 150,000 affiliates spread throughout the many countries we operate in.

They create more results! Why? Because now they are focusing on what they control rather than what they don’t. In 27 years of coaching basketball at UCLA, the greatest coach in history, John Wooden, never used the words winning or losing with his players. Instead he taught them that success is the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’ve given the best of which you’re capable. In other words, he focused his coaching on his players’ effort and energy. That unique focus led to 10 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championships.

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