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By M. Marinov

The publication deals an exhilarating evaluation of the promoting possibilities, demanding situations and traditions in Islamic international locations. supplying an perception into the specifics of selling in Islamic international locations, the publication is an engaging and invaluable learn for dealers, scholars and all who take pleasure in advertising demanding situations provided via much less famous rising markets.

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By 2005 the OIC had 57 members and had made good progress in political, economic and educational cooperation. The ECO was established in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey. In 1992 they were joined by Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The purpose of the ECO is to achieve sustainable economic development of the member countries through mutually beneficial cooperation. However the results so far have been poor and the effect on the economic development of Kazakhstan has been insignificant.

Two out of three poor Kazakhs live in the southern or eastern parts of the country. In southern Kazakhstan, where the levels of education, technical and vocational training are low, the poverty rate is more than twice the national average. Moreover the income gap between the urban and rural populations is widening. In Soviet times Kazakhstan was one of the most affluent central Asian republics. However the sharp contraction in output since independence has caused an increase in poverty that cannot be countered by public transfer programs because the national revenues are insufficient and there is a need to maintain strict fiscal discipline.

16 12 6 199219931994 19951996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 200220032004 2005 o Central Asia • Developed countries 0 Other emerging markets Sources: Based on World Bank, UNCTAO and IMF data. 1 FDI inflows, Central Asia, developed countries a nd other emergi ng markets, 1992-2005 (percentage of GOP) 18 Marketing in Central Asia 25 20 - 15 - 5 o - - 10 Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan D Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Sources: Calculations from national statistics. 2 Cumulative FOI, Ka zakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan a nd Uzbekistan, 1992-2003 (percentage of GOP) Regional chaUenges Central Asia is full o f opportun ities and challenges .

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