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By Tim Hannagan (auth.)

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Example text

A school needs to consider the local authority as well as its The Marketing Activity 23 Profn-mak1ng company Product/service Pflvate sector Sales revenue Income - - - - . - . Non-prof1t organ1sat1on Publtc sector Central and local government taxat1on. ,__ _ _ _ _ _---J F1g 2 2 Pnvate and publtc sector exchange relattonshtps pupils and their parents; the police have to consider its image with local and central government as well as the public. Activity 8 'The Government channels money mto the health serv1ce through 24 English and Welsh regional health authontles who then have the JOb of deciding how much each district health authority should get .

We believe m the abrhtres of the rndrvrdual. We must be responsrve and responsrble We believe rn qualrty. We are actron onentated (From Local Government Management Board) Could you apply these values to your own organrsatron 7 In fact, the organisation may not fully understand the needs of the consumer and although it could provide exactly what is needed it does not do this because of its lack of information. A customerorientated organisation asks: To whom are we planning to market? Where are they and what are they like?

Conservation of cash is therefore equally as important as technical excellence, delivery on time and profitability. • We must value and support our suppliers. Therefore the objectives are: For clients and customers: A high standard of service and products which represent good value for their cost. For suppliers and subcontractors: trade. A reasonable profit and fair terms of For the nation: A fair contribution to the Treasury by way of taxation and to the Bank of England by way of foreign currency arising from exports and an enhanced reputation of quality and performance.

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