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By Vivek K. Velamuri (auth.)

This paintings offers with hybrid worth production, i.e., the method of producing extra worth by way of innovatively combining items (tangible part) and companies (intangible component). Vivek ok. Velamuri presents a scientific review of the state of the art of the sphere and identifies empirically derived options for hybrid price production. additionally, it is helping practitioners to come back to grips with figuring out the dynamics of hybrid worth production, regardless of the they're in. even as instructions for destiny study are pointed out and provided.​

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5 37 Perspective shift required to design PSS Morelli 2003 Case study Product audit tool to measure all aspects of an offering Moultrie, Clarkson, and Probert 2006 Theoretical Mapping actors involved and defining requirements Morelli 2006 Theoretical Method to estimate customer satisfaction for conceptual design of PSS Kimita, Shimomura, and Arai 2009 Theoretical Towards active participation of customers in the design of PSS Morelli 2009 Theoretical The Innovation View The innovation view contains publications that not only focus on innovation, but also deal with firms in transition from offering a standalone product or service to offering a product–service combination.

In line with that, over 100 full-time researchers split in 15 fully funded BMBF projects have researched on hybrid value creation. Second, this publication originates from a German research institution and the authors are convinced that literature reviews are a valuable mechanism to make research accessible in a systematic way, even across the boundaries of languages or publication formats. Hence, research2 done in Germany and published in the German language is also included in this review.  2 In line with German academic culture, dissertations have also been included.

2 In line with German academic culture, dissertations have also been included. 2 21 Analysis Initially, the results of the database search identified in total 1,193 publications in the English language in or after 1995 (excluding book reviews and editorials) for further examination. After an initial screening of the identified publications, 119 were shortlisted as directly relevant to the research enquiry. The list, along with the initial search results and the number of shortlisted publications for each search term or string of terms, is reported in Table 1.

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