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By Rick Farr

Specializes in basic learn, and constructing abilities had to locate solutions to enterprise questions.

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How about mini-vans—are they cars too? If you want to compare foreign to domestic cars, you open a can of worms that even professional researchers have trouble sorting out. Is a Toyota built in Kentucky or a Honda built in Ohio a domestic car? Is a Chrysler built in Canada a foreign car? Page 27 Exercise: Creating operational definaions Opeational definations reduce ambiguity. ] SUPERVISOR An employee who has one or more employees reporting directly to him or her. PREFERRED CUSTOMER SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT LOW MAINTENANCE SATISFIED WORKER ACCURATE WORK QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE Page 28 Looking for Relationships (in all the right places) After knowing your operational definitions, it is important for a research problem to have a relationship between two or more variables.

Any commitments or promises made by the service representative are noted, and the service observer then searches the company’s records to see if these commitments were met. Companies routinely maintain production records that provide information on downtime, budget variances, absenteeism, tardiness, output, terminations, work stoppages, overtime and many other factors. Systematic checking of such data using observational techniques can answer many business questions. Since such data has already been collected, the researcher’s job is simply to reformat and summarize the data.

If your population is defined as people who bought Ford trucks during May of this year, all such buyers have an equal chance of getting your survey. To ensure randomness, use one of these methods: Method #1 Assign a number to each member of your population. If you have 173 truck buyers, number them from 1 to 173. Put slips of paper into a hat numbered 1 through 173. As your sample is drawn (suppose you decide to mail surveys to 50 people) check off each name and make your mailing list. Method #2 A better approach is to use a table of random numbers.

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