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By Martin Evans

Contemporary concerns in Marketing offers an leading edge method of studying approximately key advertising techniques in response to a collaboration with Marketing Week.

This e-book offers an outline of the most components of promoting including the foremost matters in modern advertising, explored throughout the copy of important clippings from advertising Week. questions about those clippings can be utilized as assignments and seminar themes, while solutions and attainable 'problem fixing' ways are steered.

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He admit , though, that "there i a difficulty facing marketers in a c ing the incremental value added by life tyle data''. Dawn Orr, ale director of DL, probably the biggc. 1 lifestyle database company operating in the UK, reject the idea that life tyle databa e have had their day. he says: "Lifestyle data, once an information ourcc u ed almo 1 exclusively for cu tomer acquiition through con umer li 1 rental, i now rapidly hroadening it. " he cite · two factor to ·upport her argument. Fir tly.

Coca-C ola and thir. ty. "II failed There arc other problem with that for centuri es purple wa. ass ciat- di mally. Yes. sales increa ed during using smell , not least of which i ed with richne. s and the Cathol ic the te t, hut this wa probab ly becaus e pumpin g it around 1 re ... omctim e hurch becaus e it wa uch an expcn- they al turned the heating up. ) arc no conclu ivc experim ents that Oakes. Hm ever, he add that gas onsum r al o know ready mcab how that ublima l me. sagcs work. giant The BO Group ha recently are photog raphed on mall plates so .

Attitude. and lifestyle i the obvious tarting point. The over-50 are not a homogeneou~ group. and marketing trategie which tuff member of thi age-group into the ·arne pigeon hole are likely to mi out. eo Burnett' deputy media direct r Mel Varlc ay :"If you're going to look at the overSO ·. you have to be aware that you've got three or four generation in there. " The late t censu has provided invaluable information about thi OMS Marketing elusive group. , which produce uper Profile , ha u ed census-based geodemographic to identify two group .

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