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By editor Walter Kaufmann

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Sample text

No, they are nonplussed in all sincerity. The wall has for them something tranquillizing, morally soothing, final–maybe even something mysterious ... ) Well, such a direct person I regard as the real normal man, as his tender mother nature wished to see him when she graciously brought him into being on the earth. I envy such a man till I am green in the face. He is stupid. I am not disputing that, but perhaps the normal man should be stupid, how do you know? Perhaps it is very beautiful, in fact.

He does not upbraid Freud for presenting "brutalizing demands" (Jaspers), nor does he insist that his own discussion has nothing to do "with psychology or psychoanalysis" (Heidegger). Sartre attacks Freud on specific grounds. His attack is, rather characteristically, less than gracious. He writes as if it were a well-known fact that there are two schools of psychoanalysis, Freud's and Sartre's (he calls the latter "existential psychoanalysis"); and he con-trasts them without emphasizing which came earlier in time.

That the existentialists and analysts will get together is not likely. But if the feat of Socrates is really to be repeated and philosophy is to have a future outside the academies, there will have to be philosophers who think in the tension between analysis and existentialism. TWO Dostoevsky: NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND1 [Preface: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born in Moscow in 1821. His Notes from Underground was first pub-lished in 1864 and followed in rapid succession by Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Possessed, and The Brothers Karamazov.

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