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A consultant to internet advertising: profitable merchandising on the web (Marketing in motion)

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Uk) is a start-up venture that draws 48 A Guide to Web ~ a r ~ e t i n g together companies and services needed by couples in plannin ding,providingaconvenientone-stopshoppingdirect information is broken down by region so it and grooms to find and book everything. also It offers freeWeb for couples to post details ahead of their wedding, a chat area for bridestoswapideasandhints,andplanstoincludecelebrity hen it comes to home shop pin^, the convenience factor tends to outwei h any need to see, touch or feel the items in catego~es ucts are assumed to be of consistent quality.

Models are eme increasin~accep ntrepreneurial start-up businesses offer conve~ence ive new services, As new competitors and business e, traditional businesses may need to respond by ay theydo business. S esent an extension of channel to CO ent traditional delivery e the assumption that the impact on the business without g the whole way of is is morethan just electronic retailing (ore - ~ f f as i ~it i is ~ some~ times called). E-commerce uses electronic means to facilitate a full Market Review 33 range of business operations, from helping to generate demand, to fulfillingorders,managingpayments and providingongoing support facilities.

By adopting an integrated approach across all aspects of communication, a greater penetration and more effectivebuild-up of impact can be achieved. Web site Public Relations Sales Promotion Advertising Forexample,the BBC's official'EastEnders'Web site (www. u~/eastenders)is part of an advertising campaign for the W soap opera. A com~rehensi~e Q&A section enables viewers to find out moredetails,votefortheirfavourite'EastEnders' moments, and look at scenes from Albert Square in Realvideoat any time of day or night.

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