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By Charles Dennis (auth.)

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Accordingly, the weighted attribute scores were added, giving the overall ‘Attractiveness index’ measured value – expressed on a 0 to 100 relative scale. The model used is of the compensatory type, which, according to Oppewal and Timmermans (1997) has been found to be as good as or superior to non-compensatory models. In an alternative approach where straightforward ratings on a 1 to 5 scale were compared with patronage, a discriminant analysis would have been appropriate. Here, though, Attractiveness, Distance and the dependent variable Relative spending are measured on continuous scales.

The image attribute questions then followed, starting with: When deciding which shopping centre or town centre you’ll use (for example [the White Water Centre], how important is the quality of the stores? (That is, how ‘up-market’ the shops are). The reply code for ‘Importance’ was entered in the ‘I’ column on the questionnaire: 1 2 3 4 5 No relevance Only slight importance Moderately important Very important Extremely important. The question continued with: And how do you rate [the White Water Centre] on how ‘up-market’ the shops are?

05. 1 Notes: The ‘top ten’ attribute weights are listed. 05). These are not necessarily the attributes that the respondents considered most ‘important’ because the ‘weight’ also takes into account the degree and strength of the association of the respondents’ rating of the attribute with relative spend. Hence ‘weight’ is intended to model the weight that the attribute carries in shopper spending decisions. In this table, less significant attributes have been omitted, but the numerical values are scaled such that if all attributes are included, the weights total 100.

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