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By Jill Verstage

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Societal marketing This is the most recent development in marketing and focuses on the benefit or otherwise to society of marketing activities. Its aim is to curtail any harmful activities in either product, production or selling methods and to consider ethical issues in marketing. 3 The growth of consumerism The beginnings of consumerism can probably be traced back to US President Kennedy’s ‘Consumer Bill of Rights’ that identified four basic consumer rights: ● ● ● ● relationship marketing A development in marketing concerned with building and keeping good customer relations.

When the family arrived home they complained to Which who investigated and contacted the tour operator, pointing out that they were breaching various regulations by not properly providing the services contracted for. Which also stated that the tour operator was in breach of contract for not warning the family about the building works. As a result of the action by Which the family received compensation of £675 Source: adapted from Which magazine article. qxp 24/6/05 10:43 am Page 15 CHAPTER 1 Marketing in context The marketing mix is often referred to as the ‘four Ps’: ● ● ● ● product price promotion place.

Shell were adversely affected and lost revenue because of the activities of environmentalists campaigning against their proposed disposal at sea of the Brent Spar oil platform. Economic This is concerned with issues connected to the economy. qxp 22 24/6/05 10:43 am Page 22 PART ONE Marketing: an overview consumer and business confidence. Clearly, demand for non-essential goods will decline when unemployment rises and levels of disposable income fall. If an organisation is importing or exporting, the value of currency will be very important in influencing the relative cost of a company’s products.

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