Download Looking East, Looking West: Organic and Quality Food by Rainer Haas, Maurizio Canavari, Bill Slee, Chen Tong, Bundit PDF

By Rainer Haas, Maurizio Canavari, Bill Slee, Chen Tong, Bundit Anurugsa

This ebook represents a special choice of eu and Asian views at the construction, alternate and intake of top quality nutrients. The speedily growing to be call for for natural and caliber foodstuff in Europe imposes new demanding situations on competing nutrition price chains. Europe, because the greatest all over the world foodstuff importer, draws many constructing and built international locations in Asia. Prospering chinese language and Thai meals markets supply new possibilities for eu operators. prosperous and trained shoppers on either continents look for reliable top of the range nutrients products.Farmers, operators and shops from far away cultures are dealing with diversified criteria, dealing with the ever expanding necessity for mutual knowing. This book is the output of Bean-Quorum an ecu funded Asia-Link undertaking. Bean-Quorum represents a consolidated community of researchers operating including the company zone and NGOs to reinforce eu Asian figuring out approximately natural and caliber foodstuff. This booklet describes worldwide tendencies in natural and caliber meals exchange and connects them with contemporary advancements in Asian and eu marketplace buildings. chosen case reviews illustrate the effect of natural and caliber meals creation on issues starting from sustainable rural improvement, to the potential for unique new plant forms to buy judgements of eu or Asian retail managers. chosen eu markets are reflected by way of the location in chinese language and Thai markets. ultimately, environmental concerns bearing on worldwide alternate of caliber meals are addressed.

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2008: 382). Consumers in Austria, Switzerland and in Scandinavian countries are the biggest purchasers of organic food. These countries have over 5% of total food sales as organic food sales, which is the biggest market share of total food sales in Europe. In contrast Central & Eastern European consumers spend the least on organic food, with a market share below 1% (Sahota, 2009). Distribution is a key factor for the growth of the organic sector. National and international retail chains play a significant role in establishing and developing organic markets all over Europe.

7% between 2001 and 2005 (World Bank, 2006). Growth rates have been most impressive in east Asia and slightly less spectacular in south Asia. Declining growth rates have been reversed since the 1990s in Latin America and since 2000 in sub-Saharan Africa. Income growth has been accompanied by an increase in the number of middle class consumers in developing countries, particularly in Asia and Latin America, whose consumption patterns have diversified (Beng-Huat, 2000; Solamino, 2006). Beyond income growth, dietary diversification is also fuelled by urbanization and its associated characteristics, rising female employment and increased exposure to different types of foods.

Interestingly it seems that light users prefer other sources of information than heavy users of organic food. Light users mentioned information from media/advertising about healthy nutrition, organic farming etc. as the most important trigger for consumption of organic food. Heavy users mentioned word-of-mouth communication from friends or relatives in the first place (AMA; 2007). A reason for this difference could be that heavy users probably have higher product involvement and seem to be more critical, which results in a more active information search behaviour for trustworthy information sources, thus leading towards a stronger word-of-mouth orientation.

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