Download Key Account Management : the Definitive Guide by Diana Woodburn PDF

By Diana Woodburn

""This publication is filled with distilled, useful knowledge for key account managers and their administrators. businesses claiming to training key account administration should still equip all people concerned with a duplicate, in order that they rather comprehend what they're purported to be doing. whatever much less is simply outdated selling."" constructing winning business-to-business relationships with extra clients in hugely aggressive markets Read more...


this beneficial textual content basically units out some of the best, cutting-edge options in key account administration. The authors give you the instruments and tactics for winning KAM, from constructing a customer Read more...

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As always, there is a lag between the availability of the new technology which is possessed by the enlightened few and mass uptake with full-scale revision of the basic practices and processes. While it is not yet clear what the ultimate impact of IT development will be for business, it is already evident that many companies will have to make huge adjustments very quickly as customers adapt to electronic commerce and demand similar immediacy and intimacy from their existing suppliers. 5 The emphasis on strategic alliances New needs may be satisfied on both sides of the relationship by the creation of a strategic alliance with another company, which has strength in a specific area rather than through the development of existing internal expertise and physical assets.

Trusted brand names have to ensure that their values are passed up the supply chain. Consumers today know more about supply chains than might ever have interested them 10– 20 years ago. Consumers today know more about supply chains than might ever have interested them 10–20 years ago: they see it as relevant to the end-product they obtain. The idea of companies working together with their suppliers in order to deliver more value to the endconsumer is an attractive one, a matter of common sense.

Substantial costs such as special customized developments, high-level, intercompany contacts and various additional services are very rarely allocated to individual customers. Thus, real customer profitability is difficult to analyse in practice and these intrinsic difficulties are compounded by inherent challenges to internal vested interests. Alarmingly, although few suppliers can assess the profitability of individual key accounts accurately, many suspect that, ultimately, they lose money on them.

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