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By Clara Shih

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Focusing too much on today’s features and requirements is dangerous because they may soon become obsolete. HOW TO MAKE MONEY MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS ON FACEBOOK How Facebook Is Changing the Online Marketing Discipline Thanks to Facebook, the Internet is evolving from a contentcentric Information Web to a relationship-centric Social Web. A decade ago, information was at a premium. Today, it is relationships that are king. Last decade, search marketing taught us to focus on maximizing each transaction, measured by click-through rates and conversions.

Her book, The Facebook Era, has been featured in The New York Times and is being used as a textbook at Harvard Business School. © 2011 by Pearson Education Publishing as FTPress Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Company and product names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. com Practical Social Marketing Tips to Make More Money How to Make Money Marketing Your Business with foursquare Discover foursquare social marketing— and achieve powerful bottom-line results with less than an hour’s work per week.

When people visit your website, they will increasingly expect the option to login with their Facebook credentials and to be able to bring their Facebook profile identity and friends with them as they search, shop, or interact otherwise with your site. 4. Grow your company’s network—Social networks are growing. Studies suggest that although the average number of close connections is not deviating much from Dunbar’s number of 150, most people’s social networks are growing as a result of staying in touch with weak ties via Facebook.

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