Download Getting @ttention. Leading-Edge Lessons for Publicity and by Susan Y. Kohl, APR (Auth.) PDF

By Susan Y. Kohl, APR (Auth.)

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He suggested an online newsletter that used email as the vehicle for grabbing our subscribers' attention. Our marketing team created what we thought was a graphically pleasing online newsletter that was easy to read and full of good information. ) In order to get our subscribers to actually go to the website, we depended heavily on short email messages that we blasted out to them. Now, it may sound as if we spammed our subscribers, but we didn't. All of the subscribers who received the e-mail message had opted in.

He suggested an online newsletter that used email as the vehicle for grabbing our subscribers' attention. Our marketing team created what we thought was a graphically pleasing online newsletter that was easy to read and full of good information. ) In order to get our subscribers to actually go to the website, we depended heavily on short email messages that we blasted out to them. Now, it may sound as if we spammed our subscribers, but we didn't. All of the subscribers who received the e-mail message had opted in.

Because each e-commercial has its own unique identification number, eComTracker monitors activity by the individual user. eComTracker tracks all campaign-related events, including the number of times the message is viewed, message hyperlink activity, message streaming media requests, and transaction activity. It can even follow the path of a single e-commercial as it's passed from user to user. Experts believe that if the content is compelling enough, e-commercials could be an effective marketing tool.

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