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By F. Laursen

This publication outlines the content material of the most treaties that shape the 'constitutional' foundation of the ecu Union and analyses alterations in those through the years. the european has improved its coverage scope and brought in lots of extra contributors shifting powers to universal supranational associations in a manner obvious nowhere else on the planet.

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Identifying the key actors As in the case of the ECSC, the majority of research on the EDC adopts a state-centric perspective inspired by realist and liberal intergovernmentalist assumptions. Leadership by high-ranking politicians and public officials is said to have been behind the proposal for the EDC. According to Parsons, the initiative for the EDC can be traced back to few leading lights such as Monnet, Schuman and Alphand (Parsons, 2003, p. 75). , p. 75). In the Quai D’Orsay, which had not been involved in the deliberations about how to tackle the issue of German rearmament, different camps formed around the project.

Constructivism-inspired accounts, in contrast, emphasise the legitimacy-seeking motivation behind institutional choices. Rather than maximising power or efficiency when designing institutions, actors design institutions on the basis of what they consider a desirable, appropriate or legitimate order. Explaining the ECSC In the following section we take recourse to our analytical framework and associated explanations to account for the successful ratification process and the ensuing coming into force of the ECSC treaty on 24 July 1952.

The powers conferred upon the Common Assembly by the ECSC Treaty were mainly supervisory. Members of the Assembly could ask questions to the High Authority and the High Authority had to present a report on the activities of the Community and on its administrative expenditures to the members of the Assembly on an annual basis. As a ‘nuclear’ control option, the Treaty conferred upon the Assembly to right to cast a motion of censure, which – if supported by a two-thirds majority of the delegates present, as well representing a majority of the total membership – could force the High Authority to resign en bloc.

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