Download Chasm Companion: A Fieldbook to Crossing the Chasm and by Paul Wiefels PDF

By Paul Wiefels

Originating from the paintings of The Chasm team, a strategy-consulting company serving know-how dependent businesses; this fieldbook makes a speciality of theories of excessive know-how business plan improvement mixed with execution. Wiefels (a founding companion of The Chasm workforce) describes a lifestyles cycle version of commercial and marketplace progress from the early small industry of ''visionary'' patron, via common attractiveness, to the ultimate implementation of a given product.

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Tell him your plans. —WOODY ALLEN Developing an early market for a discontinuous innovation may seem quite straightforward. This chapter considers both the basics as well as some of the intricacies. This is important because we are now embarking, so to speak, on our great journey eastward across the TALC, and our time, money, and reputation are now at stake. It is here that we first put ourselves in harm’s way. ” The point of this initial product is to enable, at least partially, some new, exciting, and compelling application or process.

Many chasm technologies and products linger on, but the VISIONARIES PRAGMATISTS Intuitive Seek revolutionary advances Contrarian Self-referencing Analytic Seek evolutionary advances Conformist Reference others perceived as similar Stay with the herd Risk-averse Motivated by current problems Avoid the herd Risk-taking Motivated by future opportunities Seek what is possible Will seek best technology TH E C H A S M Pursue what is probable Will seek best solution or vendor —adapted from Geoffrey A.

If pet owners want to shop online, will they choose a specialty site or opt for a well-known retailer’s e-commerce site? Will one site’s advertising have the significant and unintended consequence of drawing shoppers to the site of its competitors due to the similarities in names? (“Let me think. ”) Is there any wonder why this particular form of e-retailing has gone to the dogs? ) What were they thinking? What perfect conditions for a market shakeout. And shake out it does—witness the unlamented demise of the online pet retailers.

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